Bubbenhall Village


The Education Service is provided by the Local Education Authority which is Warwickshire County Council, Shire Hall, Warwick, General Enquiries on 01926 410410. Please telephone 01926 412143 with any enquiries relating to admissions. The County Council produces a number of booklets which are available to parents. There are directories of primary and secondary schools, plus an information guide for parents.

Useful information can also be found on the County Council's website at www.warwickshire.gov.uk

Parents can look for places at any appropriate school that interests them. They are not restricted to local schools and they can go to another LEA or even a private school.

Most parents will wish to patronise the local schools and for Bubbenhall these are -

Provost Williams C. E. Primary School

Ryton on Dunsmore,
02476 302166

Provost Williams is the primary school most children go to from the village. There is a chaperoned minibus service that takes the children to and from the school in neighbouring village Ryton on Dunsmore. 

For more information see school website: http://www.provostwilliams.warwickshire.sch.uk/

Cubbington CofE Primary School

Church Hill
Cubbington CV32 7JY
01926 422967

Cubbington CofE Primary School is a state school for boys and girls aged from 4 to 11.

For more information see school website: http://www.cubbington.warwickshire.sch.uk/

See also schoolsfinder.direct.gov.uk for the local area

Secondary schools in the area:

Kenilworth School and Sports College,
Leyes Lane,
01926 859421
Finham Park School,
Green Lane,
02476 418135

North Leamington School,
Sandy Lane,
Leamington Spa,
CV32 6RD
01926 338711

One message highlighted by the County Council is that for a child to be considered for a place at a school, parents must actually ask for one in the first place! Even if mum has been pushing a pram past the school for 3 years the head doesn't automatically know what plans the mother has in mind for her child's entry to school.

This site is supported by Bubbenhall Parish Council

Developed and maintained by Jan Lucas

contact us

Last updated on 23rd of January 2025