Bubbenhall Village

Reporting problems

To report a crime:

(including antisocial behaviour, fraud, etc)

www.warwickshire.police.uk (or dial 101 - only dial 999 in an emergency)

For rural crimewatch contact ruralwatch@warwickshire.pnn.police.uk or phone 01827 718092

To report missed bins:


For highways problems:

(street signs, lights, potholes, paths, blocked drains etc)


To report fly-tipping:

report fly tipping

To report street lighting problems:


To report smells from the landfill site:

Call 0800 80 70 60 or email ics@environment-agency.gov.uk 

For all village related problems:

Send a message to the Parish Clerk

This site is supported by Bubbenhall Parish Council

Developed and maintained by Jan Lucas

contact us

Last updated on 17th of June 2024