Here you will find all the documentation relating to the Parish Council: Meeting Agendas; Minutes, Accounts, Reports, Standing Orders, etc.
(Click on a folder to open it, and click on a document to view it)
AGENDA September 2015-signed.pdf
August 2015 HGV update.pdf
BPC Minutes September 2015 - draft 1.pdf
Correspondence not dealt with in agenda September 2015.pdf
EXAM_25B___Inspector_s_letter_to_Council_following_request_for_suspension__EXAM_25_ (1).pdf
FINANCE SHEETS 2015-16 September 2015.pdf
Highways report 9_15.pdf
Income - Expenditure 2015-16 September 15 Payments.pdf
Income - Expenditure 2015-16 September 15 Receipts.pdf
Income - Expenditure 2015-16 September 15.pdf
Items of Expenditure above £100 2015-16 September.pdf
Neighbourhood Plan - Bubbenhall Inputs 04-09-15.pdf
W-15-0940 Leeming House 2 Waverley Edge Leamington Road Bubbenhall CV8 3LW GRANTED.pdf
W-15-1324 Southcote Ryton Road Bubbenhall CV8 3BL APPLICATION.pdf
West Midlands Joint Green Belt Review.pdf
This site is supported by Bubbenhall Parish Council
Developed and maintained by Jan Lucas
contact us
Last updated on 6th of March 2025