Bubbenhall Village

Spring Hill, Pit Hill & the Green

The Spout

Water, of course, is essential. Anyone who has used the water directly from the spring will appreciate the idea of starting a settlement here with a good source of water from a natural underground water supply.

People were still using "the Spout" in the 1950's for drinking water in the days before mains water - when the spring water was piped down to the middle of the village and to the Bottom End (a tap outside Miss Twigger's cottage, another outside Yew Tree Farm, and a third in the area of the Council houses), making life easier for those who had no wells at home.

According to old Mr. Abbey (viz. Abbey's House), the spring had never run dry in his lifetime or in the lifetime of his father, i.e. William Abbey, cordwainer, (1863-c. 1953) and his father, John, shoemaker, born in 1834.

Preparations for mains water in the village started in 1960 with pipe laying and the project was completed in 1965. Mains water and sewage was the precondition for the modern development of the village.

In latter years, the spring ran dry, and the story of its restoration is told here.

The Oak

From 1717 onwards Bubbenhall came under the Bromley family (later Bromley-Davenport), initially Sir William Bromley (Speaker of the House of Commons), the Lord of the Manor for Baginton, and it's just possible that he celebrated his takeover of our village by planting an oak. Or maybe there had always been an oak standing over the Spout.

A picture of the Spout and the Oak from an old postcard (thought to be dated around the Great War).

Looking down Pit Hill towards The Three Horse Shoes and Reading Room and the Oak December 1972

The cottages opposite the Spout. Note man with crutches by the Spout.

A similar view of the Spout. There is now a kerb outside the cottages!

The Three Horse Shoes and the Oak. Bill Elliott's cottage partly showing to the left. Date unknown.

Edwardian photo showing the cottages opposite the Spout, The Three Horse Shoes, Bill Elliott's cottage and the village street down to the Manor House

The Reading Room with the fence enclosing the old village pound to the right

Old House Farm

Old House Farm was situated on the other side of Pitt Hill from the Green. In the photos below, the farm buildings shown are situated where Darfield Court is now.

View up Pit Hill + Old House Farm buildings Dec. 1972.

Old House Farm outbuildings December 1972.

Old House Farm (known also as Grimes Cottages), opposite The Three Horse Shoes. No date.

Bill Elliots' Cottage

This cottage and Miss Twigger's were cottages belonging to Pisford's (Ford's) Charity in Coventry.

Bill Elliott's cottage with tin roof covering thatch. NB The village noticeboard outside. June 1967

Bill Elliott's cottage Dec. 1971

Bill Elliott's cottage December 1972 with council houses (now Geoff Glover's) opposite

Demolition after fire Autumn 1973

The Reading Room

This building was erected c.1876 next to the Parish Pound (which was for impounding stray animals). This was originally a private house, but when it became vacant in 1883 it was bought for the village with money from a bazaar, public subscription, and a cheque from the former rector, the Rev. Edward H. Harrison (1878-84). The two rooms on the ground floor facing the street were used as a a men's recreation room, the caretaker occupying the remainder of the house. It served the parish in many ways: Including as a library; a meeting place for the Women's Institute; a doctor's surgery; and a place to hold jumble sales. It was held under the control of the Charity Commissioners by a small group of trustees who administered its economic affairs.

Alan Roe is writing a short history of the Reading Room, which can be seen here as soon as it is published.

This site is supported by Bubbenhall Parish Council

Developed and maintained by Jan Lucas

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Last updated on 17th of June 2024