Bubbenhall Village

Church Road

The View from the Top

A similar view down Church Road over the years

July 2015





Church House

Church House was bought (or built) in the 15th Century for the protection and refreshment by parishioners coming a long distance to the frequent services (they had previously used the nave, but this was frowned upon). A poor place no doubt which could bear very little resemblance to Church House today, but in common with many other parishes, there would be cooking utensils there for providing hot broth and other comforting food; and for those far-off times, the best that could be done.

Church house has been a private dwelling since the middle of the 19th Century.

Church House stables 1970

Church House with stables and stable yard, seen from across bottom of orchard

Church House garden with lily pond and greenhouse. Late 1940s

The stable yard, Church House c. 1955 with the orchard beyond

Church Barn April 1967 - demolished probably the same year

The lane down to the church


Before any houses were built in the field opposite Church House (called Town Barn). December 1972

St Giles

The Church is not mentioned in the Domesday Survey and, as far as is known, there was no church here in Saxon times. As far as can be ascertained, it was built no later than 1150.

According to Pevsner, the present building is "a 13th century church, see the chancel with its red-sandstone lancets, the W tower and two late 13th century Green Men as head corbels of the arch towards the nave (naturalistic foliage), and the nave with a finely moulded S doorway and with Y-tracery, but also Decorative features (N doorway). The chancel is Early English too, but has two Victorian side arches. Perhaps they were originally closed recesses for side altars with reredoses (cf. Baginton). The S quoins of the nave show that the chancel arch has been moved a little to the E. - STAINED GLASS. Chancel S and nave S by Kempe, one dated 1901."

There is a small piece of medieval stained glass in the window of the vestry. The font is late Norman and was restored to use in 1865. It seems to have disappeared in early times and the legend runs that it was used as a drinking trough at the mill; but it is well known that a marble font was in use for many years.

The two prebends of Bobenhull and Ryton were founded in 1248 after the churches had been granted to Bishop Weseham of Lichfield (1245-56) by the Prior of Coventry. This was confirmed by the Bishop in 1255. The Prebend's stall in the Cathedral Choir there still carries an old spelling of the name of the parish, "BOBENHULL". The parish was transferred under the act of 1840 to the Bishop of Worcester, and in 1866 the prebendal estate of Bubbenhall came under the same patronage. By an Order in Council of 1863 the benefice had been made into a Rectory. In 1918 the parish was transferred to the Bishop of Coventry on the re- formation of that See.

In 1929 the churchyard was extended on the Eastern side to take in the ground given by Mr. H.Cowley. This is why the churchyard is on two levels here, the lower level having been taken out of the field known as Town Barn.The extension was consecrated by the Bishop of Coventry on November 24th and the Deed of Consecration subsequently deposited at the Diocesan Registry Office, Coventry.

Outside Church House gates into farmyard c. 1919. Possibly Mr. Cowley standing in the lane - he and his mother lived there 1919-20 before moving to the Manor House.

The Church, probably before 1926 when the churchyard was extended into part of the field known as Town Barn.

Early eighteenth century tombstones opposite the Church porch. 1970s

Nineteenth century view of the Church, taken from outside Church House - a man in a top hat standing in the lane

Drawing of St Giles dated 1820 (with kind permission of the Library of Birmingham)

This site is supported by Bubbenhall Parish Council

Developed and maintained by Jan Lucas

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Last updated on 17th of June 2024